Some Miscellaneous

Olivia's friend Lilly moved away a couple years ago but she gets to come back and visit her grandma from time to time and when she does she gets to come see Olivia! Makes both girls happy. They just pick up where they left off. And then we throw in our wonderful neighbor Emily in and the girls just have a blast.

Lilly, Calumet, Olivia, and Emily asked if they could make cookies. I'm not one to jump to quick on a request like that but I actually felt like it'd be fun to back cookies too.
These girls are so silly.

Jaime and the boys set up the tent and the kids slept in it one night. I think it's something we need to do again soon. 

Olivia and Emily practicing for their tests coming up in school.

One day for "preschool" I let Tyler learn the mixing of colors. I had some Crayola bath tablets. We put one in a glass and watched the water change color. 

Then he took water from one cup and poured it in to another cup and the two colors made a new one!
See the green now? :)

He mixed a couple more and made teal! It was a very pretty color too. He got a kick out of it. 

Lindsey went for a hair cut. I love the layers. She's now had them for over a year now and it's made it easier for her to fix her hair herself more often. (Stop growing is what it really is now. )

After her haircut we went for some shopping. She posed with Captain America.

Olivia danced with her class in the school talent show.

Her teacher put her in the front since she knew it so well. They danced to "The Revolution of Dance."

She had so much fun up there. She just smiled through the entire dance. 

At the end of the show all the performers sat on stage for a group photo. Ok, I didn't get all the kids but I was aiming to get Liv. :)

Another night we went to Aidan's Candy Bar Bingo night. He was so excited for this! He talked about it almost daily and counted how many more days until Bingo Night. Entrance fee was one full-sized candy bar per person. After you get a bingo you went up and picked a candy bar. Your second bingo you get a jolly rancher. After that if you get more bingos you give it to someone else to go and get their candy bar who hadn't yet. It really was just for the fun and everyone ended up with a candy bar. After the bingo was over they pulled tickets for the raffle to win prize baskets. I couldn't believe how many of these large baskets they raffled off! We didn't win a basket but Olivia did have a ticket to win one of the small prizes. 

Lindsey and Tyler stayed home from the Bingo Night. Lindsey is a sweetheart. While she was playing with Tyler they saw a balloon blowing outside so she ran out and got it for Tyler. She was basically picking up litter too right? I do like that my kids love each other and will think of doing nice things for one another some times. 
We went to celebrate Uncle Daniel's 50th birthday. Tyler was in love with Daniel's dog.

He's definitely an animal lover.

I had some fun and made a bracelet and earring set for Lori. It actually took me a few days from start to finish. All the different designs and patterns I experimented with before I finally decided on my favorite and making the three strands line up. I'd mess with it for a while then leave it and the next day I'd come back to it and fiddle around with it again. I was happy with the result. In fact it was a hard one to part with. But I added a little bit more to it. I added a couple charms. I didn't take a picture of it after I added the charms. A blue gem and a mini engagement ring. Yeah, it's for her wedding day. 😄


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