Memorial Day

We didn't have plans for Memorial Day so we planned something just a couple days before. What started out as just a small BBQ ended up with 24! Bel and Chris, Marty and Marcus, Ruben Morales and Family, the Ritchie family, the Daw family and us. 

I was a little nervous we wouldn't have enough food so I was pumping out any side and salad that I could. I made pulled pork sandwiches and Jaime grilled hot dogs. Others brought salads and fruits as well. 

Olivia and Emily are HAMS! They are so funny and know how to have fun. These two neighbors are in the same school class, church class, and now Activity Day group. Olivia  is a month older but Emily is a whole head taller. :) I love these two. They're almost inseparable. 

Tyler couldn't get enough cupcakes! I made red velvet cupcakes, with white vanilla frosting and blue sprinkles. We needed some sort of patriotic colored food. :)
Our BBQ was originally planned for 5 pm but Chris couldn't come because of his work schedule. We decided to change it to 3 so he could come. I mean, it was his birthday that day too! He needed to have some sort of fun celebration. It turned out to be perfect timing. Everyone was done eating and some guests had left around 5:30. About 7 we got a fire started and wanted to roast marshmallows but then it just DUMPED rain!! It was a fun storm to have actually. But if we had our BBQ at 5 chances are everyone would have still been sitting around outside when that rain hit. 

My grandpa Dean Naylor in the Navy at Pearl Harbor. I'm truly blessed to live in the amazing country and am so grateful for those who have fought and do fight for our country. 


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