Lori and Stuart's Wedding

Lori and Stuart got engaged on Valentine's day. It was the day after or so that Lori asked me to plan her wedding, do the decorations. I was excited for it and grateful she had the faith in me to be able to do it in a way that she'd be happy with. I was constantly thinking wedding stuff. At the stores, "hmm could I use this?" or wondering where everything will be set up and if it'll go up as smoothly as I envisioned it. I even did the backdrop in my dining room to see exactly how it needed to go up. I liked finding things I already had in my house to be able to use to make things a bit more budget friendly. 

If I wasn't doing decorations I was talking other wedding ideas with Lori. We met several times to discuss and go over and shop and do dress fittings. I helped arrange photography and flowers as well.

On Friday May 8th I went to Aidan's school for his Mother's day Muffins with Mom. As soon as I left his school I headed to Prosser to help set up the gym for the reception. 



After everything was set up everyone left to go get ready to go to the temple for the 6 o'clock session. It was a wonderful temple session! I have never been in the celestial room with so many family members! It was such an amazing feeling. Aunts, uncles, grandparents, siblings, parents. Brian and Summer were on a plane over so they weren't able to be there. I missed them. For those who were there it was just hugs all around and smiles were ear to ear. As amazing as I felt in the temple I can only imagine what it's going to be like when we get to be together forever and we meet again after we leave this life!

After the temple some of us went to dinner at Fiesta Mexican Restaurant. I loved visiting with and enjoying spending time with my family.

Saturday morning! 
The bride stayed the night at my house. We stayed up pretty late after getting home from dinner. We did nails and waited up for Brian and Summer to get here. 
The wedding was Saturday Morning at 9. At 8 I ran to pick up the wedding flowers then we headed to the temple. It was a beautiful wedding. Such wonderfully spoken words. Lori was a beautiful bride!

Here come the bride and groom!

Summer, Chantel, Elizabeth, Marcia, Lori, Lisa, Emily, Christy

They had some beautiful pictures. 

After the wedding we headed to the church for a luncheon  and to do the finishing items for the reception. Emily and Christy worked on the cake and cupcakes. Some of us went to mom's for some visiting and an early dinner then back to the church to get ready for the reception to begin. 

We turned on the candles and set the lighting and put out the food. I really was excited to see it all come together so well. The best part, Lori loved it. That's what really matters right?

Mom made this amazing table cloth for the gift table.

I loved the cake on the log and burlap runner with the big burlap and lace bow!

Emily did a great job decorating the cake. 

These little cupcakes looked so cute! The daisies were so tiny and delicate. Christy did an awesome job making them and flying them over with her from Kentucky. She frosted and put the daisies on the cupcakes the after noon before the reception. 

Everything looks better with the lights on. Just adds the right ambiance. :)

And we're ready to begin!

We started with the bride and groom cutting and feeding each other the cake. 

Nicely done! No cake in the face…I mean ON the face. :)

Once the reception started my stress level dropped dramatically. There was nothing left for me to do but visit with friends and family and enjoy the reception. And I'll admit it was good to hear others talk about how nice the reception looked. ;)

Emily cut and served the cake. She's so professional, ya know. ;)

It was a great evening! I helped Lori change out of her dress and they were off for their honeymoon after some goodbyes. Once they cleared out we cleared up the gym. Take down always goes so much quicker. We pulled out of the parking lot about 10. Jaime had Aidan in his car and I had Tyler in my car headed home. (The girls stayed the night with Grandma Marcia.) Tyler kept telling me he was tired and I would tell him to go to sleep but he never did! He kept chatting with me and helping me to stay awake the entire time. I was so exhausted that he truly was a help for me driving home. We got home a little before 11 and unloaded the cars with what we had from the reception. 

Sunday we went back to Prosser to attend church with my family on Mother's Day. It was definitely a different Mother's Day but I enjoyed being with my family and my mom. The kids kind of forgot it was mother's day until we got home that night and they gave me their gifts. Such sweet kids I'm blessed with. 

I got to enjoy some of the flowers back at home for a few days before they wilted and dropped petals. And I get to breathe a deep sigh of relief! The wedding and reception was great! I felt relieved that I was able to give Lori a gift of loving her reception. 
Congratulations Lori and Stuart!


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