Badger Beauties

Some women from my ward have started a hiking group called Badger Beauties. The hike is every Saturday morning. I'll admit I don't go every Saturday. Especially when they were going super early in the morning. It's changed to mostly 7:30am now. My internal clock pretty much wakes me up on it's own every morning about 6:50-7am. 

One morning I woke up to thick fog lingering in the streets. I was thinking we'd be hiking Badger Mountain in the fog. But just before I got to the base of the mountain I drove out of the fog. It was so sunny and beautiful! Then on the hike up I enjoyed visiting and exercising during a nice easy hike. When we got to the top the and looked out it was gorgeous! The sky was such a bright blue and the fog looked like a soft fluffy blanket just covering the cities. 

Many say it's not the prettiest place to live. But I'm grateful for the blessing I have of being able to see the beauty that God created here in our rolling hill, low lying valley even though there aren't tall mountains or forests. But the river here definitely adds to the beauty as well. I'm no photographer but others around here have sure captured some amazing shots. 

I honestly love living here. And more than I thought I would. It's a good thing the Lord steps in and provides a different path for us than what we originally wanted. 15 years ago I had wanted to move far away from home. Had I done that I wouldn't have married who I did and have all I do now. I've recently read over my Patriarchal blessing and it amazes me the blessings I see I've received just like it said in my blessing. Being someone who struggled with a testimony and a desire to go to church when I was younger, I'm grateful for the blessing of repentance and a chance to make better choices in our lives that we can be blessed accordingly. 


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