More Stuff at Home

October has really gone by fast. Before we know it it's going to be Thanksgiving! Many have been asking me what it's like not having kids home during the day. Friends say they want to live vicariously through me and ask me to tell them what I do. :) I've been trying to make good use of my time. I exercise about every day, read my scriptures, get some regular cleaning done around the house. I have weekly Relief Society Presidency meetings. I make visits to sisters in the ward. The best part? Being able to get in the car and go where ever I want, when I want, and without having to help kids gather socks and shoes and hurry and get in the car. I also enjoy being able to help out on field trips and school events during the day now without needing to find a babysitter. 

One afternoon I drew Goliath on some large paper. Looks like I needed to make the paper wider though as his arms wouldn't fit unless I made them skinny. Yep, that's what I did. So yeah, it's a pretty  pathetic giant. Not too mean looking but my kids came home from school and thought it was awesome!!
He looks like a scrawny Paul Bunyan. The kids used marshmallows to try and hit Goliath in the head. Our lesson was on defeating our own "Goliaths" in our lives. 

I do like having short hair...but I don't. What I miss is being able to pull my hair back when I work out. Wet, sweaty hair sticking to my neck during workouts is not a fun feeling. And when I don't want to take time to blow dry my hair or curl or straighten it I can't pull it up in a bun anymore. Also, now that it's getting colder my neck feels cold and I get the chills! So, I'm currently growing it out. But I kind of don't want to! It's a love-hate relationship really. I may not be able to handle the growing out phase and cut it again. 

It's that time of year! Christmas Lists.

Grandparents had been asking for the kids' wish lists so I finally sat them down. They can pour over these holiday toy magazines for hours. Aidan was so cute writing his list. He made sure all the spelling was right, looking back and forth at the magazine and his paper as he wrote.

Bet you didn't know Olaf had a big sister. ;)


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