November 20-24
Last weekend was a good weekend and went fast. On Friday Aidan and Tyler got to spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa Morales. I was performing in a community concert that our stake was putting on. There were many different music groups and a good variety of music. I sung with the Pasco North Stake Choir. Jaime and the girls came to watch.
It is a very well attended event. This was the second year our stake put it on. I've done it the past two years. I enjoy it but I don't always enjoy going for the practices that are 30 minutes away. :)
After the concert we let the girls stay home and watch a movie and Jaime and I went to hang out with Sarah and Brandon. It had been a while that we were able to get together so this visit was way over due. We couldn't believe how fast the time went though. We stayed kinda late.
On Saturday, the 21st, we went to Grandview for Grandpa Noble's 89th birthday celebration. Uncle Dick and Uncle Darrell and Aunt Mel and my mom were the four of six kids of Grandpa's who were able to come see him. Grandpa was so happy and full of smiles. I'm sure he missed Grandma on this day so it was good that so many of his family were able to come and love him.
Tyler has always loved babies. He was happy to hold his cousin Elise.

Aidan taking a turn holding Elise.
(Sunday, November 22)We have church meetings from 2:30-5:30. It makes for a lot of time before church. This last Sunday the kids were playing so good together. They set up Aidan's Imaginext toys and played happily, getting along with each other.
On Monday, the 23rd we had freezing rain late at night. Then it snowed on top of the freezing rain Tuesday morning. Guess what that means!
Two-hour school delay on Tuesday! That gave the kids time to go outside and play in the snow.
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