Thanksgiving Break

Tuesday night Emily and Jeremiah got into town from California. My kids were so excited to see and play with their cousins. Wednesday was an early release school day for Thanksgiving Break. I had planned on sending them to school but then Jaime and I thought we'd just let the kids stay home and play with their cousins. I'm sure they didn't miss much in the 3 1/2 hours of school they didn't go to. The kids were happy to stay home and play. :)

We left the four older ones, Lindsey, Jacob, Olivia, and Emma, at home while Emily, Jeremiah, and I and the 4 younger boys (Aidan, William, Tyler, and Wescott) went to the church book store. 

The kids played in the play room at the store. This is William's "style" as a tree. His hand is the star and Tyler is putting "bunny ears" on William's head. :)

They liked making "styles" as Will called it and posing for pictures. 

After shopping we went home and got the other four kids and Jeremiah treated us to lunch at the Terriyaki Grill. The kids who didn't want to eat the food there we packed sandwiches for their lunch. 

Lindsey, Jacob, Wescott, Aidan

Tyler and William. William is playing with his Light Saber go-gurt. :)

Emma and Olivia

Thursday was Turkey Day! I felt I had lots to be thankful for. My wonderful family, immediate and extended and the family I married in to. I was thankful that so many were able to come and get together at Mom and Dad's for our Thanksgiving Feast. I'm thankful that Bel's cancer hasn't spread, I'm thankful for my children's good health, I'm thankful for Jaime's job, I'm thankful for my friends and even more thankful that I have so many close by, etc.! No I can't name everything. 

Turkey feast around the table! We had so much good food. 

Dishing up pies and ice cream for dessert!

Lindsey, Olivia (behind the topiary on the table), Jacob, and Emma sitting down to visit while Jaime and I visited with Jeremiah and Emily before they left this morning. It was a short trip for them. I'm glad they came. We stayed up way too late every night but I really did enjoy hanging out and visiting with them. We had some good laughs and good talks. 


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