Talk About Overwhelming

I went with Bel to one of her appointments today. It took 3 hours for this. She received info from some tests, Dr. examined her, talked about what's next, met with another doctor about the surgery for her port when the chemo will be administered, signed paperwork for the surgery, made an appointment for another test. I can see why she feels so overwhelmed. Trying to remember which doctor for what, what each test she needs is and why, remembering which days are which appointments. PET scan, MUGA test, genetic test, MRI, blood work, etc.  I had to write it all down, day by day, to be able to feel like I had a grasp on scheduling. Tomorrow she goes in to surgery at 11:30am, after an appointment with the radiation doctor at 9am, so the port can be put in. It's a routine operation that she will feel fine shortly after but will have a good week and a half to recover at the surgery site so she can start chemo. She finds out tomorrow when she will start radiation.

To look at the silver lining (if there is one, said the specialist) is that because her cancer is so fast growing the cancer cells are more susceptible and should melt quickly when she starts chemo. That's what we're all hoping for! Bel handles it well. Because she works in a healthcare clinic office she understands a lot. Especially when it comes to the paperwork. She just kept saying she's ready to get it all started. She knows she needs to go through it so let's get it over with type of attitude. She gets frustrated with the waiting for answers. Answers from tests before she can start the next thing. But it's looking like she will start chemo the week of November 30. Right after Thanksgiving. From what we've been reading and hearing from the doctor she will be feeling effects from it pretty soon. If not after the first treatment she will by the second. They're thinking the mastectomy will be done around springtime. I can't seem to get any of this out of my head. I see why Bel doesn't sleep well. She wakes up in the night and can't fall asleep so she stays up and reads about it. She's always in my mind, in my prayers. I know she'll make it through this, I just dread the pain and hurt and sadness and depression she feels and will feel. The nurses and specialist all say that Bel is too young to be going through this. For some reason it's a trial she needs to have. Bel's had a lot of struggles in life. She's very strong. I guess she just needed another tough trial to make her even stronger.


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