My Little Pioneer

We woke up bright and early today. Lindsey had to be at the church by 6:30am. I've gone over everything Lindsey needed packed more than once. I've prayed lots of prayers for her safety and well being and that she will have a wonderful experience. I've done all I could do. The next thing I could do to send her off knowing I loved her was run to Dutch Brothers and grab her a morning smoothie, so that's exactly what I did. My mom did an amazing job sewing Lindsey's dress and bonnet. Lindsey made the apron herself in a mutual activity with the other Beehive girls. Lindsey, Hayley, Ashley, Calumet, Maddie Aren't they just the cutest pioneers!? Ashley and Maddie are a year older than the other three. Ashley has tall parents. :) Our ward's pioneer youth, ma's and pa's, and aunts and uncles. All ready for their Pioneer Trek 2016 June 29-July 2 I am so grateful for these adults who will be there. Susi and Spencer Daw (the couple on th...