Summer fun is now!

We went to DQ for some ice cream. 

Aidan looks a bit more vampire-ish. 

Lindsey and I hiked badger mountain Saturday morning. More prep for the pioneer trek. After the hike we went to get yummy smoothie bowls for breakfast.

Tyler has started T-Ball

He's wants to play "all the sports." I need to do a better job at getting him signed up for stuff. I just have a hard time wanting to drive and go here and there constantly when they're still so little. But if I don't he will be behind most other kids his age.

He's the only one on the team who will run to the coach to keep practicing during water breaks. He takes quick breaks and then runs back to get to work. He has such an enthusiasm for it that I wish I was better at pushing and helping him learn more and do better. I can handle baseball better than soccer so I should be grateful he wants to do baseball and sign him up more. 


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