Year End School Activities

I volunteered to help out with the boys' school field day. I had a water station. Kids had to race two other kids to take a water soaked sponge and run and squeeze the water into a cup and run back for more water until they filled the cup. It was a pretty well liked activity that the line for it was always backed up with kids wanting to run it. 

I made sure to get pictures of my boys when they came to my station. They were so excited to see me there at their school.

I handed out papers with pictures of gold, silver, and bronze medals for the kids who raced. Each medal a kid won was stapled on their medal ribbon. 

I was surprised how fast my shift came and went. This may be something I do again next year. 

Tonight was Olivia's school music concert. 
We went to see her sing in the choir. 

She's so cute singing and doing the hand motions. 


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