Baby Malakai

Ruben and Dawn Morales had their baby boy this morning at 6:16 am. 

Malakai Adam Morales

8 lbs 20.5 inches long. Look at all his hair! He's so adorable. I can see both Ruben and Dawn in him.

This picture of Bel and Malakai is so cute.

Jaime and I went to the hospital this evening to go meet him. I adore little babes. Jaime always teases me that it'll make me baby crazy and I'll want another. You know, I've actually waited for the day when I think, "Awww I want another baby!" But it never comes. My family feels complete. I enjoy holding these little ones and watching them but at the same time I think about how I'm grateful I'm out of that phase of my life. My kids are all old enough to dress themselves, sleep through the night, feed themselves, go the bathroom themselves. I'm past all that and now I have many other things to start looking towards. I can now have meaningful conversations with my kids, play more complicated games with them, let them do more things on their own, and not have to pay for a babysitter! :)

I'll continue to love and adore these sweet babes that I get to hold and then hand them back for feeding and diapering. ;)


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