The Flory's

Sister Pat Flory has always had my parents (and us too when us kids were younger) over for a birthday dinner. This year Mom and Dad had Bill and Pat over for Pat's birthday. Elizabeth, Lori, Darin, and I and our families came as a surprise to the Flory's.  She was so surprised and delighted to see us all there. 

Singing happy birthday to Pat. 

After dinner and cake we had a game of getting to know the Flory's better. Bill and Pat had done this many times for mom and dad. In each inflated balloon there was a question for them to answer about themselves. It was fun to hear more about them this time. Things like where they worked, or most embarrassing moments, advice for us. Bill and Pat are such wonderful people. Pat was my visiting teacher for just a short time when Jaime and I lived there. She's always shown an interest in our family. She and Bill would bring Valentine gifts for all the kids. She still sends each one of our family a birthday card, cards for holidays and they even call and sing to me on my birthday. I'm not quite sure what I did to make her so fond of me but I'm forever grateful for their love and kindness they show to me and my family. I'll never forget that one evening for Valentine's Day they brought dinner in to us. Bill brought each dish in and set it on the table then he set up a candle and lit it for us. Told us to enjoy and he walked out of the house! It was so much work they put in to preparing and making the food and then driving it across town and hauling it into my house. They are good examples of love, fellowshipping, and service. I love them dearly. 


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