The Reading Bug

Aidan has developed a love for reading just like Lindsey. He will read anything he can. From the cereal boxes, to the comics, to papers he sees laying on the counter, to of course the books he chooses. Right now he's reading the Box Car Children to me. Yeah I know lots of kids read well and love to read at the age of 7 but I didn't really teach Aidan much about reading. Being in the two-way dual language spanish program at school they tell you not to teach them about reading in English, so I haven't other than before kindergarten and I would help them learn the sounds of the letters in the English alphabet. Aidan learned how to read in Spanish and on his own learned how to read in English by reading the Dick and Jane book that we have. I was blown away how well he could read in English as he just started reading out loud. And now he reads like he's been reading for years. What a kid. :)


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