6th Grade Field Trip

Lindsey woke up early this morning at 5:15 am to be at the school by 5:45 to catch her charter bus with the rest of the 6th graders for their field trip to Seattle. 

She had a great time going to the Pacific Science Center, EMP museum, Space Needle and other fun shops with her classmates. The buses arrived back at the school at 9:30pm. Lindsey was exhausted and ready for bed. Walking all day wears anyone out. The poor dear was telling me her legs were so tired that she didn't think she'd go hike Badger Mountain Saturday morning with the rest of the youth in our ward to prepare for the Pioneer Trek. I told her that getting up early the next morning to walk and hike some more would be the best practice and training to help her prepare for the Pioneer trek in just over three weeks. I felt bad because I know I would want to stay home and sleep in too but I know that she will be tired after her long days of trek and have to get up the next morning to do it again. I'm hoping she can be as ready and prepared as I can help her get. 


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