My Little Pioneer

We woke up bright and early today. Lindsey had to be at the church by 6:30am. I've gone over everything Lindsey needed packed more than once. I've prayed lots of prayers for her safety and well being and that she will have a wonderful experience. I've done all I could do. The next thing I could do to send her off knowing I loved her was run to Dutch Brothers and grab her a morning smoothie, so that's exactly what I did. 

My mom did an amazing job sewing Lindsey's dress and bonnet. Lindsey made the apron herself in a mutual activity with the other Beehive girls.

Lindsey, Hayley, Ashley, Calumet, Maddie
Aren't they just the cutest pioneers!? Ashley and Maddie are a year older than the other three. Ashley has tall parents. :)

Our ward's pioneer youth, ma's and pa's, and aunts and uncles. All ready for their Pioneer Trek 2016 June 29-July 2

I am so grateful for these adults who will be there. Susi and Spencer Daw (the couple on the left with the hats) are our neighbors right behind us. I've had talks with Susi about how I'm nervous for Lindsey. I know she will be homesick. Susi said to let Lindsey know she can come to her for anything. Believe me I've stressed that to Lindsey numerous times. I know Lindsey is in good loving hands but she's going to be so far away for multiple nights without any family. She's never done that before. Also, I won't have any way of knowing how she's doing. I can't call or text her or any other person there. However, Jaime is driving a car full of youth to the drop off point so when he gets there he will use that location and put it in his phone for the weather app so we can see what kind of weather Lindsey will be having. It'll be my only connection to her. Odd how look for anything to stay connected to someone. 

Lindsey, oh how I miss you so much already. I know you're a tough girl even though you're small. You're resourceful and know how to help yourself if need be. My prayers go out for you. I love you. Good luck and I pray you'll have great memories. 


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