Date Night

We went out to dinner tonight with Brandon and Sarah Ritchie and Shane and Lyndee Ririe. We tried for the first time going to Natties Lil' Red Caboose restaurant.

When Sarah chose the restaurant she didn't know we needed to have reservations. When we got there they said we could sit out on the patio for dinner. We decided to do that. It was pretty hot outside but the guys braved it. Us girls seem to handle heat better, but then the cold we don't. 

Had to get some pictures. Why we didn't get a group photo I don't know. But we enjoyed visiting and trying new food. 

Jaime and I aren't weekly date night people. We don't need it. Being at home visiting for free and spending time with one another is more our style. But when we do go out, it seems more like a treat for us. Something real special. 


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