Fair Time!

Lori and Stuart went to the fair with us this year. We mostly go for the rodeo but we walked around and saw the exhibits and of course ate fair food for dinner. :P

This picture was taken outside of the restaurant "Cousins" but they have these at the fair too so I thought I'd share it in this post. 

We can't go to the fair and not see the animals, especially the bunnies. Look at this long haired bunny! Tyler thought he was so cute. 

We don't do rides at the fair because they're so expensive but this giant float ball ride is one that's pretty fun. We like to watch them as much as the kids like rolling around like little gerbils.

Sometimes when they fall like this I just wait to see them get wet but they never do!

Lori pushing Tyler

She got a kick out of pushing and pulling the hamster balls around the pool. :)

Time for the rodeo!

I didn't take pictures of the riders and bulls because I was busy talking with the kids and Lori and enjoying the show. I'm sure we will be hitting up another rodeo with Lori and Stuart in the future. 


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