Surprise Mariners Trip!

Jaime's parents asked to have the kids over night for the weekend to spend some time with them. Because Marty and Diana drove Marcus down to Albuquerque they didn't get to go to the Oregon Coast and take the kids with them. The kids were bummed, especially Lindsey. We were surprised to get a couple pictures like this...

And this...
and a text from Diana saying "We're off to the Mariners game!" We didn't even know they had planned this. They drove up and spent all day at Safeco Field. I guess there's lots to do before the game. I didn't know that, I've never been to a pro baseball game...come to think of it I've never been to a pro anything game.

It was Star Wars day so the kids got pictures with the different Star Wars characters and of course the Mariner Moose. 

And everyone was given free Felix Hernandez shirts. After the game they stayed the night at a hotel. I was glad about that because I was thinking how tired everyone would be driving all the way home that late after the game. Lucky kids. They have lots of fun and exciting memories with their grandparents. 


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