Tennis Camp

I signed Lindsey and Olivia up for a tennis camp this summer. Practices were held at Howard Ammon Park on the river. While the girls were in practice the boys played on the playground. 

The kids liked the river boat. We had to snap a picture with the girls before they ran over to practice. 

Sea saws aren't made like they used to be. ;)

This one is fun for me to play on too. Aidan had to really lean his bum out to get Tyler up.

Tyler's favorite toy is the zipline.

He'd run back and forth flying in that thing when he had it to himself before other kids started showing up to the park.

The boat was there another day during this week. 

Guess I should get a few pictures of the girls at practice. ;P 
Lindsey really enjoyed the camp. She's in the blue about to hit the ball.

I think this may be the sport she really puts effort in to. I'm hoping she will like other sports as she tries more. 

Aidan enjoyed rock climbing. 

Aidan taking his turn on the zipline. Tyler running along side.

At the end of practices they all line up and do a ball roll. Siblings are allowed to join in as well. Whoever was able to roll a ball closest to the base line on the court without going over was the winner. The winner gets to choose their popsicle flavor. Tyler won one time. 

Tyler and Aidan both at the top of the rocks. Without a harness it was a bit scary for Tyler. I needed to help him find his footing getting up and down. But once he was up he was pretty happy. I didn't leave the rock when they were climbing on it. I was too afraid if one of them fell and I wasn't around to help. I stayed below them as they climbed. 

Hitting water balloons.

The water balloon exercise followed by a water balloon fight was the end of the week's camp. The girls both said they'd like to do tennis again next summer. Lindsey will be doing tennis in middle school this year as well. 


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