Halloween 2017

October 28th we went to Price's annual Halloween party. Costumes are required to go. 
I have a hard time coming up with costume ideas. Well I don't have a hard time coming up with ideas it's just getting the costume together. I could do lots of costumes if I put the money in to it but I don't want to spend too much. We decided to play off Jaime's lack of a left hand. I'm a angry wife who cut off Jaime's hand. The costume was a big hit. Honestly I was surprised at how many people liked it! This picture makes me laugh. Jaime was smiling, I was playing my part. (We switched rolls at the ward Halloween Party.) We had so much fun at the party. The games were fun and had us all busting at the seams laughing. My cheeks hurt so much!

October 29th

The ward Halloween Party. Notice my smile and Jaime's scared look. Hahaha. The ward party turned out well too. The Relief Society was responsible for putting it on so it was a pretty stressful last few days trying to get all the food and stuff set up for it. But it all came together. Decorations were cute, food was good and the activities went well. There was a carved pumpkin contest, costume contest, and of course, Trunk or Treat. Tyler was so excited to win "Most Creative" in the pumpkin contest. Even while carving his pumpkin and painting the little ones he said he wanted to get most creative. And he did! Lindsey also won "Most Cannibalistic." Her pumpkin was a giant scary one with a tiny one inside. For the costume contest everyone in costume walked across the stage. Jaime went limping out on stage and I ran him off. We won "Most Gruesome" for our costume. 

October 31st

Kylo Ren (Aidan), Super Girl (Makaela), Captain Phasma (Olivia), Optimus Prime (Tyler) Jyn Erso (Lindsey), Bat Girl (Elise).

I let Lindsey have a party. She wasn't too in to wanting to go trick or treating. She had a few girls over for snacks and games. The only thing I wish is that I had more candy for the girls. I ran out of candy for trick or treaters. The girls got lots of snacks to eat but not too much candy. 

But they had lots of laughing and weren't ready to go home when it was over. That's a good sign they were having fun.


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