Gotta Love My Boys

On one of the days school was canceled Darin and I and Aidan went to go shopping for some derby car items and make a stop at a vacuum/sewing shop so Darin could try and order a part for a steam mop. 
While Darin was taking care of what he needed to Aidan and I walked around looking at the sewing stuff. He was in awe over this quilting machine. It was programmed to quilt a design and then the lady left. Aidan stood watching most of project. He said I needed to get one since it sews by itself because then I could make dinner while it's sewing. I just laughed and said probably not. He responded with, "Well when I'm grown up I'm going got get my wife one so she can still cook and clean while it sews." I laughed out loud!! Love this kid. 

One day Tyler ran outside to see if Ren could play. I told him to put on a coat and shoes before he left. When he came back, Ren wasn't home, I said, "Why do you have socks and sandals on!?" He said, "It's ok I'm Mexican!" Oh my word!! He cracks me up. It was so funny I had to tell his Grandma Morales.  My boys are both funny in their own ways. Love 'em to death.💗


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