It's Great to Be Eight

I swear we just celebrated Aidan's 8th birthday and he was baptized. Oh wait he did! Only three months ago! And then today we went to Great to be Eight for the kids who will be turning eight this year...and Tyler is one of them! December 23rd this year Tyler will be baptized. I really can hardly believe it. 

The gift all the 'soon to be 8' kids received from the Primary presidency was a towel with CTR sewn on by our amazing and talented president, Sister Kellie Walters. She's my visiting teaching companion and I love to see her craftiness. She is so talented. She makes amazing quilts!

Along with the towel was a CTR silicone ring (a blue ring! His favorite color) tied with a poem and ribbon. There are a total of 16 kids being baptized this year. That's not counting any new move ins that are always possible.
I don't have toddlers anymore. Watching my kids grow up is fun but I do count the lasts that will happen still. Tyler will be the last of my kids to be baptized. At the same time, my kids move on to more and more firsts. :) I'm intrigued to see what our future will bring. 


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