Winter Wonderland

January has brought lots and lots of snow to us this year. So much that the kids have had 8 school days canceled and even more days with 2 hour delays. Throw in the days already planned off like the end of Christmas break and Martin Luther King Jr. Day and end of trimester days and that makes even more days of no school. 
The kids have had so much fun digging and playing in the snow. 

They'd go sledding and be gone for hours! I couldn't believe how long they'd stay out in the cold. They'd come back inside still as happy as could be. 

There were large piles of snow by all the driveways from shoveling. The kids liked to dig inside the piles and make caves and tunnels. 

Lindsey's in there some where!

They liked to sit inside and stay warm. As cold as it was I have no doubt that inside their snow caves it did feel warmer being able to have a barrier from the cold air on their faces. 

When it was snowing and the sun was shining so bright it looked like glitter in a snow globe. Just look! Glitter floating all around. It's beautiful!

Then after we had so much snow already, another storm would blow in.

We had cotton like flakes falling from the sky. 

They're just buried in all that snow!

The boys liked shoveling snow. Granted it wasn't a clean shoveling job but it was great seeing them want to work. They went next door and helped Christina shovel her driveway. She paid them each $4. They were thrilled! Look at their happy pink cold faces. Tyler's gloves were so wet from all the snow that it soaked through to his hands. Even the lower part of his sleeves were wet. When I felt how wet and cold his hands were I couldn't believe how long he stayed out there helping Christina. He was crying about how cold he was at all. He was warmed clear through with the Spirit of service. What a missionary. 

More snow play! Olivia and Rachel

Emily Daw



Brian flew out for some job interviews earlier in the month. I enjoyed having him here to visit with and play a couple games. They'll be accepting a job in Brookings, OR. It'll be nice having them closer and back on the West side. 
Brian and Tyler playing on the computer. 

Brian took this picture of our neighborhood as he flew out. It's a pretty picture actually. Nice white blanket over everything. Our house is in the straight row of houses behind the church. We're the third one from the right on the second row of houses behind the church. Does that make sense? hahaha

Foot steps in the snow, the kids used ice chunks from when Brian and I shoveled compacted snow off the driveway to stick in the snow around their snow forts. Among all this weather we've had some freezing fog as well. I love how the trees get capsulated in frozen fog turning all the branches white. Nature really is beautifully amazing. 

It really has been a pretty wonderful month. With all the kids home so much and everything from cub scouts to mutual and even church one Sunday being canceled, I haven't had to drive anywhere! I've been able to stay inside and keep warm, watch movies with the kids, cuddle on the couch in blankets  and drink lots of yummy hot chocolate. I did my entire month of grocery shopping, thanks to having my menu all planned out and meals made ahead of time in the freezer, it's been a pretty easy going month! I've enjoyed having the kids home longer. It's felt like the Christmas break just kept on going.  Magical day after day. They had short school days here and there but for most of the month they've been home. Jaime still goes to work on time when there are school delays or closures but with no one else at the school he's able to get lots of work done and then he gets home earlier. Generally around 2 or 3. So I've gotten to have him home around a lot more too! It's a winter that we're not going to be forgetting any time soon. 


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