Mother's Day 2017

I woke up to this little beauty bringing me breakfast. Olivia and Lindsey made it all on their own. I know they did because Jaime was still in bed too. :) Strawberry, banana, and silver dollar pancake kabobs, orange stars, and heart pancakes. They even brought in peanut butter and syrup for me.

It really was very good and most thoughtful of them to want to do this for me. 

Later they came in bearing gifts. Olivia made me a coconut sugar hand scrub. 

Jaime (and the kids) gave me a new blendtec blender. Woohoo!

Jaime had asked me what I had wanted for dinner. I wasn't really sure. Then I said what I really wanted was lettuce wraps from PF Changs. I thought nothing of it but then was surprised when he told me he had found the recipe and bought everything to make them. So after church he got busy in the kitchen with the girls and they made lettuce wraps. He wouldn't let me in there to attempt to help! I didn't mind but I didn't want it to come across that I was just going to sit and wait for them to do everything and serve me. I would love to be working in the kitchen with all of them. It's when I have to come up with meals every day and cook by myself every day that I don't particularly enjoy. lol

These lettuce wraps turned out perfect! It's definitely a keeper recipe and will be made again. And they all said it wasn't that hard to make. Score!!

Later in the afternoon I was laying on the couch reading, starting to doze off and on, Jaime was resting on the couch also and Aidan was laying on the floor reading the Sunday comics. My eyes were closed but I heard Aidan moving. I sneaked a peek of him and saw him get up. Then he walked into the kitchen, opened the dishwasher which had finished washing, and started emptying it!! By himself without being asked!! What a gift that was. I continued to pretend I was asleep so I wouldn't ruin his surprise. I saw Jaime open his eyes and I told him Aidan was putting the dishes away by himself. Jaime thought that was neat as well, however he decided to get up and help. Aidan said he was trying to be nice and help me. I told him thank you, that I thought it was a wonderful surprise. And I mean it! Aidan thank you for being so thoughtful and noticing work that could be done. 

For dinner Jaime made steaks. It was such a wonderful day. I believe it's our first Mother's Day since we've been married that we haven't either gone to my mom's house, his mom's house, his grandma's or had our mom's here at our house. Not that I don't enjoy doing those things. But today was different. It was special, and enjoyable just being home, having a nice relaxing day with my adoring little family and feeling their love for me. Motherhood is hard, often unrewarding, but when the rewards are seen, they're miraculous. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father whose plan is for us to be in families forever. I couldn't have asked for anything better. 


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