
Jaime had a conference in Atlanta and I was able to accompany him on this trip this time. 

We stayed at a hotel that overlooked Centennial Olympic park. This was put in when the Olympics were held in Atlanta in 1996.

almost every  night there was beautiful lightning. Sometimes rain but not always. 

One afternoon Jaime and I were out and then the rain came. An enormous downpour! It goes from no rain to sheets of water falling, then stops and the sun comes out!

We checked out the college football hall of fame.

World of Coke

I went to the aquarium by myself while Jaime was in session.

This is a pregnant seahorse

The dolphin show was good but not as good as Sea World.

This tank of jellyfish was so pretty!

I was mesmerized by the whale sharks and rays. I happened to see them above water when I peaked a  window while walking in an exhibit upstairs and I could see the whales and rays come up out of the water. I wanted to find a large window on the side of the pool so I could see them better. I finally found my way downstairs to see them.

So majestic. 

Look how big this tank is!

I could sit here all day and watch the view. 

Walking through the Coke museum was pretty fun. 

The sample room has hundreds of coke made beverages that are served in different parts of the world. Some flavors were good, some were not. 

Met the Coca Cola bear

I made sure to go to the college football hall of fame with Jaime. 

This wall of helmets is pretty sweet. We got to pick which team we were "on." And our team helmet lit up when we first registered. I picked BYU and Jaime picked UW. 

All the trophies were pretty cool to see. 

Interactive screen activities were pretty fun. 

Welp, it's safe to say football isn't in our genes. 


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