Last Day of School

It's here! The end of the 2017-2018 School Year. 

Olivia has gotten taller but Tyler has had the most significant growth. 
They're always so excited for the last day of school but at the same time my kids are sad to leave their classmates and teacher. Good thing they're always ready for the end of August when they start up again. 

Olivia received a HAAP award. She's a hispanic academic achiever. :)

Oh I love her!

Even Lindsey was struggling with the thought of leaving middle school and not seeing her great teachers again. She's made leaps and bounds in her confidence and I didn't think it was possible after seeing how confident she was in 6th grade the first time I saw her do a presentation in front of the class and other parents. I sometimes think she's still so little and can't know so much but she does!


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