End of the Year Trips

Both Lindsey and Olivia had field trips to Seattle. Lindsey went with her choir group. They loved going to the Museum of Pop Culture (MoPop)

Elena and Lindsey with Dr. Strange costume

Elena, Suzie (Elena's mom who I've become friends with via church functions) and Lindsey with Black Panther. 

Olivia was able to go with the entire 6th grade class. They went to pretty much the same things as Lindsey and her group. 

What fun experiences they had being able to tour a place with friends. 

And just like that I'm attending Lindsey's middle school "graduation."

It seems like she should still be in middle school. With 6th grade moved down to the elementary schools to help with over crowding in the  middle schools kids attend middle school for only 2 years. I feel like she needs more time in middle school.

I'm not ready for her to go to high school. But I guess she is ready for it. Look out! I can't believe how fast they grow. 


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