Dinner with Friends

We get together quite frequently with Sarah and Brandon Ritchie. Tonight we went to The Outback for dinner. They're headed off to Cameo Heights Mansion bed and breakfast for a short getaway. They asked us to come along but we're headed out of town for our anniversary ;) So instead we went to look at a million dollar house with them (it's a hobby we have. Just going to look at big houses for sale. haha) then we went out to dinner. 

They're pretty silly. Brandon is a goofball and loves to let it show. 

They're a usual date night friends. We're planning a trip with them in a few months! It's fun to look back and recall all the trips we've done with them (some with pretty funny stories) as well as many dinners and late nights hanging out. They keep moving further from us. I'm hoping Richland is as far as they get!


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