Piano Recital

Tyler and Olivia had their first piano recital since starting piano lessons with Bonnie Hall.
Olivia did so good. She had her piece memorized but still had her music in case she forgot. The girl didn't need it. Later that evening she kept playing the song over and over, even with Lindsey singing along. Olivia has started using the pedal with some of her songs. She's improving so well and loving developing this talent of her. 

Tyler is so excited to be playing the piano. Bonnie works so well with him. Tyler does a great job at practicing every day. Sometimes he starts playing the piano without having to be reminded. 

Bonnie had two recitals today. I thought this was how many students she had. Nope, she has about double this amount! Busy piano teacher. I'm so glad I was able to get a couple of her open spots. It was when Emily Daw moved. Bonnie taught both Emily and Sophia so when they moved I called Bonnie up knowing she had openings. Piano teachers around here fill up so fast I had to act quick. What a blessing it was. I really hope Olivia and Tyler will stick with piano and become great at it. 


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