Merry Christmas!

Christmas is finally here! It seems like when you're a kid it can't come fast enough. This year for me I kept feeling like I wasn't ready for it. Knowing what to get the kids seemed harder. They have so many toys already or they're getting out of toys and want expensive electronics that I don't want them to have yet. But thanks to Jaime he was able to find some fun things for the kids online. He did most of the Christmas shopping this year. 

We started Christmas Eve by going to my parents house for dinner then our FHE lesson about the Christmas story read from the Bible and then we sing the correlating songs in between verses. After that those who had musical numbers to perform got up to sing or play the piano. 
After FHE we headed over to Jaime's parents house to open gifts. 
Lindsey has a new love for vinyl records, cassette tapes and CDs. She was wanting this stereo that plays all three plus has a radio and audio output. She was so happy to open it she was crying! Grandma and Grandpa Morales made this girl so happy should would have been fine not opening another thing that night. 

Christmas Jammies
After presents at Morales' we went home, laid out our stockings and put out some cookies for Santa. Then off to bed!

Christmas morning the kids were ecstatic. They came to wake us up around 6 to go see what Santa brought. They were all pretty happy with their deliveries. 

The aftermath...

We got Lindsey a hammock. This may become a permanent piece of furniture in the house. I'm sure it'll make it's way outside this summer but it'll be back inside. It is well loved by all!

Tyler is swamped with Hot Wheels cars and tracks. A boys dreams!

Later in the afternoon we went back to moms for a Christmas feast and then more gifts. 

Aidan received is first gun. 

Firing the BB gun. He's a pretty good shot!

Elizabeth's family spent Christmas at mom's so their gifts were fun entertainment for my kids. 

I didn't take a many pictures this year or even get pictures of what Santa brought for everyone. I was busy enjoying the day and feeling the excitement of the day. 
Merry Christmas


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