Ward Christmas Party

After running the cable bridge run I had the afternoon to rest. Jaime took me to lunch at Costa Vida after I took a hot bath and warm shower. I felt rested enough for the evening. We had a beautiful dinner for our ward Christmas party. It was nice that I didn't make breakfast, lunch, or dinner today. :) I love our ward. We had brisket, chicken, ham, and pork roast to choose from with a side of potato casserole, salads, and rolls. Our ward has some very talented cooks! We had a good time visiting with friends then after the dinner Jaime and I helped to serve the desserts. There were many different types of chocolate desserts and then volunteers helped scoop vanilla ice cream into the bowls of chocolate desserts that people chose. Jaime helped scoop ice cream and I kept the chocolate desserts going on the table. Adding more as people came through. It was fun hearing all the comments made about the yummy array of choices. It made my evening just standing there talking to everyone who came through the line. The theme for our dinner was Angels Among Us. A slide show was up with pictures of members of our ward doing acts of service. I felt that the theme was fitting for how I felt tonight. I loved serving those who came through the line. I didn't do anything grand or make a difference to anyone who came through but it mattered to me that they felt comfortable to talk to me. I felt good being able to help the committee with something so they could focus on other things during the party. 


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