Walking Along the Beach

Our last day in California. We wanted to go to the beach and see the ocean. It was a little breezy but still nice to be outside walking around. We got açaí bowls and smoothies to snack on before Brian and his family left to head home to Vegas. It was so delicious. Probably the best açaí bowl I have ever had. 

After Brian and Summer's crew hit the road Jaime and I took our rental car to another beach. We had a great time being able to talk and walk around. I felt his love for me and really appreciated the time that we had together. I felt so blessed that Brian was kind enough and inspired to pay for Jaime to have a day at Disneyland that allowed Jaime and I to have this Saturday together. Such a beautiful day. I truly needed this time alone with him. I'm so grateful for Brian and Summer for giving me this gift of time with Jaime at this time. 



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