Heaven Gained Another Angel Today

August 18, 2022

Grandpa's life long phrase, "I never had it so good."
I'm feeling so grateful for the family I have. I'll miss him but knowing he saw grandma today is joyous. We made sure to go see him as his health was dramatically declining and he was bed ridden. It was such a tender moment as he woke to say goodbye to each of us individually. He didn't want us to walk out without saying goodbye. I told Jaime this could be the last time we see him. I was right. I'm so glad we had that time with him. 

I'll forever remember sitting with grandpa and getting hugs, sitting and eating fresh tomatoes with a salt shaker in hand. I'll remember hearing him say "hey you, whipper snapper! " and "Here she is, Miss America!" in a sing song way as I walk into the room. 



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