One on One

Since today was the first day of school for the three younger kids so I wanted time with Lindsey. Time to talk, hang out, eat, and love on her before she goes to BYUI. I took her out to lunch today. We had a good time talking and laughing. She's so funny and so sweet. I'm going to miss her so much when she's gone. I'm excited for this new chapter in her life but it'll be so weird at home without her. She's willing to help when I ask for it. She loves her siblings. She loves hanging out with her family. She's been such good teenager. I truly was blessed to have someone like this to raise. I've never felt "I can hardly wait for her to graduate and move out." like some parents have felt about their teenagers. As close as we are, I'm excited to see how much we grow together as she gets older and hits new phases of life. I wish her luck in everything she does. She's beautiful inside and out and will bring a ray of sunshine to BYUI. 



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