
So I was asked to join some women in a team for the Rainier Trail Ragnar Relay Run. That's a lot of R's! They planned and signed up in January. I was asked in June to take the spot of someone who dropped out. The run is the end of August! We have a busy summer so I'm not going to get as much training in as the rest of them. I felt like I was capable to be a part of the team though because I've always been consistent with getting in some exercise. 

We did morning runs when we could. 

This particular morning over Badger Mountain was so pretty!

Beautiful sunrise.

Sometimes our runs took us to not so fun trails. This was on the back side of Candy Mountain. Beautiful view but as we went further we were in powdery dirt that looked like powdered sugar and just fluffed up everywhere 

Jessica Fort, Jessica Christensen, Betsy Kemp, me, Carly Allred

Another not so fun trail. The weeds were so tall! I made the mistake of wearing shorts. I had cuts all over my legs and arms. Once I even fell from not being able to see the trail and totally bit the dust. 

We did a couple of night runs which were fun. All of us with headlamps and belt or hand lights, probably could see us from over a mile away. 😁 



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