Three Are Off to School

Back to school!
2022-2023 School's in session without masks and temperature checks and no social distancing. Let's hope we can make it through this school year without any of that!

Tyler has gotten so much taller over the summer. 

He's excited for football. The kid never seems nervous for school to start up. He's such a rock. 

Talk about a growth spurt. This boy has shot up and is now the tallest of all four kids. 

I'm excited to see how he does this year. 

Olivia gets to drive herself to school every day. No more sharing the car with Lindsey. 

It's hard to believe she's junior. She's such a funny girl still. She can be so witty and funny. 

Seeing her drive off to school still tugs at my heart. 

Just Lindsey and I home alone during the day for the next week. I'm not ready to take let her go off on her own. 😢 I know that'll be hard. 



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