For Strength of Youth Camp

Olivia, Aidan, and Tyler went to FSY for a week in Moscow at University of Idaho. 

Brynlee, Lane, and Olivia all wore their Chiawana wrestling shirts on the same day. Way to show team spirit guys!

All three of the kids said they had great groups they were a part of. I only got pictures of Olivia's group but the boys couldn't stop talking about the fun they had as well. 

The campus had Chic-fil-A so the kids were all excited to go eat there. 

All three weren't excited to go to FSY but when Jaime and I went to pick them up the night before camp was over, not one of them was ready to leave. They were having such a great time. We were leaving the next morning for the Oregon coast so we picked the kids up early. All the way home they talked about FSY and the fun they had and the classes they took. I asked them "Would you say your testimony has grown this week?" Without hesitation, all three of them said, "Yes!" The camp was worth it. 😊



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