
 Jaime, Lindsey, Koda, and I left a couple days before everyone else because Jaime and Lindsey needed to get back to work. The rest of the crew headed to Tillamook to go to the air museum and Tillamook cheese factory. 

While the others enjoyed checking out the museum we got stuck in traffic not moving due to an accident. We waited for almost an hour till we learned that it wasn't going to reopen for many more hours. So we turned around and headed to Tillamook!

We were able to see everyone again and have lunch and Tillamook ice cream together. This helped kill some time until we decided to try and make it back home.

Lindsey and Koda did great sleeping most of the way home.

Yep, pretty much all the way home. :)

A couple days later the rest came back as well, except for Grandma and Grandpa. They continued to vacation with their RV. 

The rest of us got together for lunch at Zip's before Marcus and Aide had to fly back to Arizona. 


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