Zipping Fun

We decided to go on the zip lines while at the coast. We had so much fun!

Hooked on the line and ready to go!

The 'dead man swing'

Part way through the lines we were able to see Liandrew and Marcus as they waited for us to finish. 

The guides on our trip were so fun. They showed us how to turn and control our ride so we wouldn't spin out of control. Then on each line they gave us directions of how to ride it. Like hanging dead man style, taking a couple rocks and trying to throw them in a couple lakes we flew over. 

One of the lines we rode we were able to touch the water and skim across. When we got over land the guide pulled us up the hill to unhook the harness and then Sasquatch came out and would scare each of us individually as we came down. It was fun to watch each one jump or in Bel's case scream and shake. hahaha

One of the lines was a complete drop, free fall, until the line caught. Only Tyler, Chris, and Aide did it as it was an extra cost. But they loved it and said it was totally worth it. 

Tyler said it was scary at first but then felt awesome. 

The rest of us raced each other. 

Lindsey and Olivia worked on their zipping moves and then raced to the end. 

At the end Marcus, Liandrew, Marty, Diana, and Koda were there and saw our races to the finish. 

After ziplinning we went for lunch in Seaside. Pizza at Fultano's. 

After lunch Jaime and I went back to the cabin at the KOA and brought the boys with us. They went and enjoyed some of the activities at the KOA.

Mini golf. 

And then Koda took a nap on his bunk. 😁



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