Summer Fun With Family

We went to Grandview to swim and have a birthday dinner for Darin on the 7th. 

It was cute seeing the cousins playing and have fun together.

The next day we spent some time on the river paddle boarding with Bel. 

The kids can stay out on the water all day when it's nice and hot.


Jaime got some paddling in. 

Lisa and Bel.

On the 12th Summer and I took the kids to get some ice cream at the Country Mercantile. 

Antique Coke machine. 

Summer and the kids stayed at our house a few days after Brian had to fly home for work. The kids have had a lot of fun being together and playing. Maybrie loves setting up a restaurant with Olivia's play food then having the rest of the kids come to order and eat there. 

Then back to Grandma and Grandpa's house for more time swimming and hanging out with family in Grandview. The boys really enjoy a game Aidan has. It really intrigued Madelyn and Ryan as well. 



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