Nothing Like Our Trips to the Oregon Coast

Lindsey, Liandrew, and Koda left for the coast first with Marcus and Aide in the truck. The other kids were at FSY. Jaime and I went to get them later and leave for the coast the next day. 

They met up with Grandma and Grandpa in the RV and the kids and Koda climbed aboard the RV. Koda enjoyed napping on the couch. This pup travels so well!

We made it and on day one we all hit the beach. Koda was so excited to have so much space to run.

Beautiful day! 

Having fun playing in the sand. 

It really is the best when everyone can be there!

All 5 grandkids. 

Our boys have really gotten to know their cousins (Jaime's cousin's children) on the Morales side. It gives them other kids to play with at the coast. 

It wouldn't be a trip to the beach without snacks.

All the vehicles lined up and chairs with the adults visiting and soaking in the sun. 

A little corn hole competition. 

Can you believe how tall Tyler has gotten! He looks so grown up in this picture. 

Liandrew and Lindsey. 

Jaime and I got a cabin to stay in at the KOA. I was so grateful to have a place with a bathroom, heater, and small kitchen. And it was a good place to have Koda in as well. He slept on the bottom bunk in the small bunk room. 


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