A Christmas Surprise

It has been so hard to keep this secret! Marcus's family and Marty and Diana are coming for Christmas. Lindsey knew because Bel slipped one time and told her. There were a couple other close calls but the kids never picked up on it! So this morning I got them all gathered together in the family room so that when Jaime walked in with some extra guests the kids would see them and be surprised. 

And boy were they surprised. 

The kids are so excited. They have already said how weird Christmas was going to be with both Naylor and Morales Grandparents going to be gone on Christmas but now they'll get to be with the Morales side! Marcus and Aide are moving to Austin in January so they decided to come for Christmas as well. Who knows when we will be able to spend Christmas with all of Jaime's family again. We're planning to cherish and make the most of this week that they're here!



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