Happy Gotcha Day!

Not only do we celebrate Tyler's birthday today but it's also the day Koda came home to us!

He's still a cute cuddly teddy bear. He just has longer legs really. :) We love him so much and love how well he's fit in with us. So grateful to have a pup with the temperament that he has. He's never been destructive. No furniture or shoe chewing. He's dug in the garden a few times but nothing major and hasn't ruined anything. He still barks when someone's at the door but he does much better at listening when we tell him not to jump on people. It still happens he just stops it sooner. He loves to give snuggles. He asks me to sit on the couch with him or play when he wants me to throw his toys around for him to catch and chase. He's learned a few tricks. Is super fast and gets the zoommies and runs around the yard super fast. 

Also, he loves his Christmas advent calendar which is super cute. He eagerly awaits for someone to open the day's door of his calendar to reveal either a treat or a toy. 

 I never thought I'd find a dog that didn't get dog fur everywhere that I could have inside for our family but here he is! He's been a blessing to each of us in different ways. I love my pup! Yes, I say he's mine. Because he pretty much is. 😊


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