A Little Birthday Surprise

A month ago I set up a surprise birthday dinner for Jaime with some friends from his childhood/high school days. Bel helped me pull it off perfectly saying that their parents wanted us all to go out to dinner together. Jaime thought that's where we were going. The kids said they wanted to ride with Grandma and Grandpa and so off Jaime, Bel, Chris, and I went on to Lu +Lu Craftbar and Kitchen for our dinner reservations. When we got there I said we had reservations and she told us where our table was. We walked over to it and Jaime was confused to see people sitting there. Then he realized that he knew who these people were! They stood up and said Happy Birthday! Jaime was so surprised. 

Brad Charvet and his wife and then Trevor Galey. I was a little bummed that his wife Megan came down ill that afternoon. Steve Aguilar was going to be there but his family was sick also. And as for Chrises Snyder and Sartain they were not going to be in the area to be able to come but sent their well wishes to Jaime. And of course Bel, she graduated with these guys and knew them as well. So even though it only turned out to be two friends that Jaime hasn't seen in a long time we still had a great time! Lots of laughing and good conversation amongst good food. Trevor was such a sweetheart and bought mine and Jaime's dinner. 

I loved that I was able to pull this off and have Jaime totally surprised. And at the end of it they all said let's not wait as long to get together again. 



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