Merry Christmas Eve!

Jaime's turn to open the advent calendar for Koda. I don't know why but it's fun knowing that Koda can be excited for something throughout the month like we are with our different holiday activities. 

It's a beautiful Christmas morning. I love when Christmas Eve or Christmas falls on Sunday. We get to go to church and listen to Christmas musical numbers and wonderful words about our Savior Jesus Christ. I felt the spirit so strongly by Sister Karen Sharp. Her words pierced my heart, they really were words for me. I'm so grateful for my brother and Savior Jesus Christ. I've truly come to know his love for me. 

After Church we got ready for Christmas Eve with Jaime's family. We were so excited to have them here with us. We enjoyed a yummy tamale dinner and then played a variety of games. 

Bel set up a game for the kids to play to win prizes. 

It's harder than it looks. That bouncy ball can bounce right out of those muffin tins if you bounce it too hard. We had fun playing other games like Password and Herd Mentality. 

And cousin shenanigans are always fun. 

The kids all played a Christmas number on the piano. 

They did such a good job. 

I really hope they don't lose their talent as they play less and less. They're all so good!

After games and music we headed upstairs for pajamas and to open gifts together. 

I love this picture. 

The best Christmas present I've ever received. Our first Christmas we spent together 21 years ago and then were married two days later. 

Bel and Chris are so cute!

This is our first year that Grandma and Grandpa Morales are staying the night at our house on Christmas Eve. 
The picture of Marcus's family is on Aide's phone. So I don't have a pic of just them. 

But this picture of all of us is perfect!

I adore this picture. The girls kissing Liandrew's cheeks and everyone else just being silly. Fun times.

Gathered around to open gifts. 

Olivia is in love with her new Jordans!

Lindsey has learned the value of having money gifted. Multiple gift cards were greatly appreciated by her, especially the $100 Walmart gift card from Grandma and Grandpa to help her with her groceries. 

I loved having Marcus, Aide, and Liandrew here.

The kids opened up this quilt from me. They were excited to see a bunch of there childhood t-shirts sewn together in a quilt. And then I told them I made it...

They were so impressed and loved it even more! I have been saving these shirts since they were little. Over 10 years worth of t-shirts in this quilt. The shirts were from places they have been or from places that family traveled and would bring back t-shirts for them. It brought back so many memories for the kids as they looked at the shirts and pointed out which shirt belonged to who. A few of the shirts even glow in the dark still! Making it fun to see in the dark. 

Bel and Chris and Marcus's group left after gifts at almost midnight. The rest of us put our stockings out and the kids set out cookies for Santa then went to bed. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!



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