Prom 2023

Last night Jaime and I went to, uh well sort of. 
We're invited to the Allred's white elephant Christmas Party every year. This year Carly decided to spice things up by making it a throw back prom theme. Everyone was to come dressed in prom clothes from another decade. We had a blast. It was hilarious. 

80's style! We even found Jaime's tux jacket with the satin details at Goodwill. I had to go back in time for my dress. It was kinda big but we made it work. 

The standard prom photo pose. 

Jaime and Shane with their cummerbunds. Shane's mullet kills me!

Three couples dressed for the 80's. 
Morales, Ririe, Frederickson

Hilarious gifts just make the night more fun. Seeing what items get stolen and by who is always fun. I'm so grateful for friends to be able to do fun things with. You're never too old to be silly with friends. 



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