Another Birthday to Celebrate!

Jaime's birthday was a bit low key this year. Not because we didn't want to celebrate but because Olivia had a tournament that we were at all day. Bel came to watch as well so we were able to wish her a happy birthday as well. Olivia did great at the Best of the West tournament so it was a good day. We came home for dinner and then had a simple dessert of chocolate scotcheroos. 

He's like me, picking a dessert other than cake. We don't particularly care for cake and would rather have a small treat like this instead. Happy birthday Jaime! I love celebrating with you. 😊
Then he opened his gifts. A new pair of nice work shoes. He always has such classy shoes for work. He looks sharp. I also got him a new game called Herd Mentality. It's a great game for a group and even a small crowd. We're excited to play it with others this month!

Today was also Olivia's turn to open Koda's advent calendar. That puts a smile on anyone's face. Look how eager Koda is for her to open it. 

It's a toy today! The tur-keister. He sure loves his toys. 



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