Christmas Day 2013

Christmas morning Olivia and Tyler woke up first at 7:30 and came to get Jaime and I. They woke Aidan up shortly and we left Lindsey to sleep till she woke on her own at about 8:15. She was doing better and slept through the rest of the night after she went back to sleep at 1:30. She needed to shower and I changed her bedding and cleaned the carpet. The girl makes NO effort whatsoever to make it in a bowl that's sitting RIGHT NEXT TO HER! Yes I'm a bit irritated by it.
So excited to get more trains. Seriously his most favorite toys to play with.
I like this sequence of him digging in his stocking, pulling out a candy, then his big smile after.
Also I didn't get very good pics of him opening other gifts, the kid just doesn't hold still! Which is why I don't have many pics of gift opening for him. Some things he received were trains, RC car, trains, air hockey table, trains, Imaginext Switch n Go dino helicopter, Planes book with mini character planes, etc. Yes that many trains. Some from us, my parents, and Jaime's parents. It's what he loves and plays with the most!

He received the castle last year for Christmas and wanted the ogre and dragon so badly to go with it. It's so cool the way they interact with each other and have more sayings and sound effects the more toys you get together. And the alligator tummy stuffer I have to comment on. He was sooo excited to open it. He likes to stuff his blanket and bunny in it. He also received puzzles, a wizard's tower to go with the castle, penguin glow pet, scooter, skateboard, additional knights for his castle, etc. 

All she ever asks for is a giant stuffed animal. She finally received the number one item on her list. I decided to let Santa know that I might be able to handle the giant thing after all. She said it was the best Christmas ever. I distinctly remember her and Lindsey saying that last year and if she says it again, it's definitely a successful Christmas. Liv also received a Nerf Rebelle crossbow, another stuffed animal but with a dr. kit so it's different!, accessories to go with two of her American Girl dolls, toys from the movie Frozen, jewelry, etc.

You could tell she wasn't feeling the greatest still. She was mostly just afraid she'd throw up again. I'm happy to report; she never did. I think I was just as happy if not more! I was doing laundry Christmas Eve and into Christmas morn as I changed over the loads of clothes, towels, and bedding. 
Despite the sickness, she was still thrilled to get a nice boxed set of the Percy Jackson series (even though she's read them all before she still wanted one)  and a sweet set of walkie talkies, accessories for her American Girl doll, some clothes, art stuff, etc. She now can read digital books on her Kindle Fire. She's currently reading House of Hades on it. She was also given an iTunes card to purchase more ebooks. Reading is her first love. 
Last year I did better at getting a picture with each kid with their stuff but..I wasn't thinking.
I didn't do the best at taking pics this year. I really wasn't into it I guess. I don't have any pics of Jaime and I opening gifts. Hey it's not about me right? ;) But here's just a small cap of what we received. Jaime was happy to see a new self-cleaning razor by his stocking. He got a DeWalt miter saw and stand, Home Depot gift card, movies, shoes, clothes, etc. I was thrilled to see a new gel nail polish kit with LED lamp. I really like getting my nails done at the salon with it. There's NO drying time which is what I need with having kids and so much stuff having to be done, so when I found out there's an at-home kit I did research and discovered they really work. I've tried it and am happy with the results! I also was blessed with gifts of clothes, gift cards, craft stuff, belgian waffle maker, Chi straightener, steam mop, etc. I was spoiled with way too much this year too. :)

I think it's so cute when the boys will ask the other to help open a gift. Aidan asked Tyler to help him open this one…his scooter.

Tyler all tuckered out.

Castle play with all the knights and new castle toys.

Liv has a baby polar bear now. (She got it with a gift card for her bday last year) We used to think it was a big animal…until Christmas morn.

Air hockey

Aidan received a few puzzles. I think I need to get him harder ones now!

As if we don't have enough Nerf guns in this house!

After a breakfast of yummy cinnamon rolls and playing with our gifts we got dressed and headed to my mom's for another round of Christmas festivities at 3.  

We had a delicious Christmas Dinner then went in to the living room for Grandpa to hand out gifts. 

The boys could hardly stand it. 

More trains for Tyler! Aidan has been asking and writing his number one gift on his Christmas list for this Matchbox Dino Breakout. Whenever he would see it in the toy magazines he would circle it, put a check next to it and his name. 

A horse for her doll. I love the picture on the top. Her jaw just dropped open.

New gloves and her favorite…Percy Jackson the Sea of Monsters!!
I love the excitement. 
The gifts we had brought for my family were handed out then also. I love giving gifts when it's something I know they will like and use. :)

I love Christmas. It's always sad when the next day Aidan asks, "Is Christmas over?" He asked it last year too! Maybe if I play Christmas music year round the Christmas excitement will last longer. I never did record Aidan singing his favorite Christmas song, "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." He was even singing today. He did sing it for a few at my mom's on Christmas day. 
It's been a wonderful year. A really good year for us! We are so blessed and I thank my Father in Heaven for these blessings he sends.
Merry Christmas


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