This and That

There's been some baby action in the family. 

This cutie. Ezra Naylor born November 21st. Tyler LOVES him. Tyler loves babies in general. Ezra came early and needed some extra prayers sent his way. We included him in many of our prayers and Tyler took it very serious to pray that Ezra would "grow good" and still says it in EVERY prayer he says and if someone else, like Aidan, doesn't say Ezra in their prayer Tyler is quick to point it out. 

Then these TWO! Oh so cute! They arrived on December 13th. Madeline and Nathaniel Digges. So Tyler's prayers are getting a bit longer now. "Please bless Ezra, Maddy and Nate to grow good." Precious. 

On Friday the 13th (hehe) I made a fort for Aidan, Tyler and Ren to play in. Then the girls got home from school and they jumped in on the play. It was big enough for all seven of them to play in. It's so cute to hear them play pretend. They couldn't believe that I pulled out Christmas lights to put on it. 

That night we went to see the lighted boat parade. It's become a tradition our kids like. It's not too long, not crowded and fun times for us to be together. After the parade we went to dinner at Famous Dave's.

That night the girls decided to sleep in the fort. 

I would have loved it too if I was there age so I had no problems letting them do this. 


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